Hydrogen is the fuel of the future: It can be used as a feedstock, fuel, or an energy carrier and storage. It does not emit CO2 and does not pollute the air when used. It is therefore an important part of the solution to meet the 2050 climate neutrality goal of the European Green Deal.
In the last years, the EU has been criticised for not having a unifying vision that people can support and believe in. Hydrogen may be a solution for many economic and ecological challenges of the 21st century.
Through the film Hydrogen – Re-Connecting Europe the Institute of European Democrats intends to present Hydrogen as a driving force for new integration and new collaboration across all EU member states.
If you want to take part at the event, please register by 24th February 2021 at .
The event is free and open to non-members. If time permits, we will have a Q&A session at the end, where questions from the audience will be taken.