On behalf of United Europe and the Würth Group we are pleased to invite you to the following event: “European Security and Defence Policy: Where does the Strategic Compass guide us?” on Wednesday, 01 June 2022, from 04:00 p.m.
In March, the European Council approved the “Strategic Compass”, a 50-page strategy paper for European defence and security policy. The Strategic Compass aims to provide answers to security threats and geopolitical dynamics and to path the way for a common EU security and defence policy in the coming years.
The EU plans to build up a joint intervention force of 5,000 soldiers by 2025, to better coordinate armament projects and to harmonise the military budgets of the member states. Will the EU be able to pool its resources better? Will the EU be able to react decisively to the security crises?
The expert round takes place in Brussels at the Representation of the State Baden-Württemberg to the European Union, Rue Belliard 60/62, 1040 Brussels. From 18:00 hrs onwards, you are welcome to stay for a reception with informal discussions and a flying buffet.
If you’re interested in participating please register here.
We look forward to your participation and a lively discussion!