Joint German-Italian appeal to the governments of all Member States and to EU institutions: EUROPEAN SOLIDARITY NOW!
The petition is supported across party lines (including Elmar Brok/CDU, Sven Giegold/Greens, Hans Eichel/SPD) and by economists of different currents (including Marcel Fratzscher/DIW, Peter Bofinger/Uni Würzburg, Gabriel Felbermayr/IfW).
Key actions of the petition are:
1. We need a comprehensive financial shield for Europe and the euro area.
2. We support the immediate opening of a health credit line in the European Stability Mechanism, with focused conditions to ensure that credits are used for well-defined categories of health-related programmes, without any additional conditionality.
3) We support the issuance of European Health Bonds with a clear and defined common objective and subject to jointly agreed guidelines. This would allow shouldering of the burden together, in a democratic way.
4) We are committed to a coordinated exit strategy, a comprehensive recovery plan, and unprecedented investment.
“This is not the time to let ourselves be divided. This is the time to stand united and fight for a common, better future.”
You can find the petition and the list of signatories here.
Joint German-Italian appeal: European Solidarity Now!