This year’s first Young Professional Seminar is just around the corner! From 20th to 21th April, 25 young talented professionals from all over Europe gather in Freiburg, Germany, to learn, how policy in the EU works: How laws are made in Europe, how contracts come into being and about the importance of a functioning regulatory policy.
The participants are from 19 European countries (but not only members of the EU): Albania, Azerbaijan, Finland, Georgia, Germany, Great Britain, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Poland, Serbia, Spain, and Hungary amongst other. They represent a wide array of professional backgrounds and experiences, from senior consults to political analysts and journalist.
The four workshops are lead by experienced employees of the Centre for European Policy (cep) and deal with EU-institutions and law making, the Euro-crisis, EU Energy and Climate Policy and the Brexit. After a welcome remark by Prof. Dr. Horst Weitzmann, Chairman of the board and co-partner of Badische Stahlwerke Kehl, the workshop will be opened by a debate and a discussion with Dr. Andreas Schwab, member of the European Parliament.
The seminar takes place in cooperation with the Wilfried-Guth-Stiftungsprofessur für Ordnungs- und Wettbewerbspolitik and the Centre for European Policy (cep) in the Albert Ludwigs University in Freiburg. The aim of United Europe’s Young Professional Seminars is to spread the idea of Europe, discuss problems and advantages and to win the younger generation over to an idea of a united, competitive and diverse Europe.
The next YPS takes place from 8th to 10th June in Nice, topic: “How to tell the EU’s Story“. Application call will be published soon.