Our press release can be found at: Press Release: How to Stabilise and Reform Ukraine’s Economy
The study can be downloaded at: Ukraine study
Other press reviews:
- 16.4.2015 Strategic Europe Blog by Carnegie Europe
- 16.4.2015 www.uapp.org/news_partners (Russian)
- 16.4.2015 EurActiv
- 15.4.2015 Europarl
- 27.4.2015 youtube (please start at 2:48:00)
The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (wiiw) is one of the principle centres for research on Central, East and Southeast Europe. Over the years, it has broadened its regional coverage to European integration, the countries of Wider Europe and selected issues of the global economy. wiiw is an independent, non-profit institution. Its staff serves the public and clients alike, delivering economic analyses and research, forecasts, statistical data and policy advice.
United Europe is a non-profit association dedicated to the idea of a strong and competitive Europe which can defend its common interests, yet respects the diversity of its peoples. It was founded in 2013 by the former Austrian chancellor Wolfgang Schüssel and the German entrepreneur Jürgen Grossmann. United Europe organises speeches, conferences, research projects and seminars for young professionals. For more information, please go to: www.united-europe.eu