Dr Frank Lugert
“I am and feel as European and do believe that only within a strong European Union its countries play a significant role globally. Therefor we have to realize our synergies, share best-practice within a spread of different cultures and develop our core competencies such as innovations, technologies, management, organizational and process skills and other business advantages we have. I am very enthusiastic about supporting and developing the next leader’s generation in developing and applying their ambition to make progress on this.
My strong believe is that leaders – no matter if in business or in politics – should connect and integrate people for collaboration! Instead of splitting and highlighting diversity we should find communalities and take it from there. For this we need to be open-minded, have the courage for necessary changes and the ambition to make progress. Being satisfied with the status-quo is not an option! United Europe is playing a significant role in the ongoing need for developing a strong Europe. I am very enthusiastic about supporting and promoting next generations leaders with this mentoring program.”
Frank, was busy more than 15 years with Interim Management in various international Family-driven businesses from 100mEUR up to 2bnEUR revenue in different C-level and 2. level management positions in typical industries, such as Automotive suppliers, Consumer and Electronic products, Mechanical Engineering, Medical Device industries, Metal Fabrication and many others. His expertise is mainly with restructuring, reorganization and any kind of integration projects with a focus on driving innovations and new product developments.
Since a few years in particular Frank is busy with solving the entrepreneurial succession of Family-owned companies solving the handover to next leader’s generation.
At United Europe, Frank is interested in projects like innovation, technologies, competitiveness, alternative energies involving the younger generation – after all, it is their ideas and expectation which are going to determine Europe’s future. Frank, who was born on Sept 12th, 1973, is mentoring United Europe’s series of workshops for outstanding young professionals from the EU.
Career History
Frank holds a Diploma in Engineering from the University of Munich, a Diploma in Economics from the Technical University of Munich and a Phd. in Economics (M&A, Realizing Synergies) from the Technical University too. In parallel to his academic studies, he started his career in Strategic Management Consulting in various well-known Consultancies in Munich and Zurich at latest being revenue-responsible on Partner Level. In 2007, he made himself self-employed working as Interim Manager for various companies in more than 50 different engagements. Since 2023 he is running is own business and team (www.franklugert.ch) to solve entrepreneurial solutions at Family-driven companies.
Frank has a strong commitment for developing high potentials. Within every management engagement he was supporting young professionals for their next career level, qualifying, training and coaching and acting as a sparring partner.
For his own business in solving the entrepreneurial succession at small-, mid- and large-sized family business he is always searching and recruiting ambitious and open-minded young professionals for taking over management and leadership positions.