Tobias Knoch
I believe in applied intellgence. So bringing poeple together and opening up networks is the one side of the medal, the other side is then leveraging the network to implement some good ideas.
So my mentee has already been introduced to good networks, now it is about organizing an initative/event that brings together European-minded young leaders that together implement some good ideas. I will contribute to this.
Career History
Tobias has a degree in Business Administration from the University of Mannheim. A scholarship from the sdw (Stiftung der Deutschen Wirtschaft) was the door opener for studies abroad at the IIM Ahmedabad in India and ESSEC Business School in France. He joined the BOSCH Graduate Management Program in 2004 and worked for BOSCH in Germany and abroad (Hungary, Spain, Portugal) optimising logisitical & controlling processes in different plants and in the HQs. Changing to BoschRexroth Tobias became the head of logistics for the renewable energies part of Witten plant.
Since joining Tetra Group in 2013 Tobias has been leading and developping the Global Demand & Supply Planning Practice at DeLaval. As a completely globalised Supply Chain Unit his department assures the global coordination of demand & supply streams. Together with managing the Global Capacity Control Towers & the Global Transport Control Towers this assures a quick adaption of the company to changes in the business environment.
Topics such as the Evergreen, Covid-Crisis, War in Ukraine, Port congestions in US affect his daily work (Chips anybody?). Tobias earned his first money in his hometown port unloading ships and worked for GfK and the U.S. Dept of Commerce / Foreign Commercial Service. He did his alternative service at the Goethe-Institute.
Being a Südpfälzer Tobias lives with his wife and two kids in rural Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. He loves Mountainbiking, Sailing and Riesling. From 2016 to 2022 he and his neighbours saved a UNESCO Biosphere Reservat protective forest in Zarrentin at lake Schaalsee from being mowen down for luxury mansions. Currently he is organizing the „Built back better Practitioners Lecture Serie in Citizen Mobility and Urban Logistics“ for students at the Kyiv School of Economics (starts December 13th). As an Alumus of the Stiftung der Deutschen Wirtschaft he is working on a „Competence IÍnitative Africa“ for current students.