Websalon: European Solidarity and the European Single Market
202024apr15:3017:00Websalon: European Solidarity and the European Single Market15:30 - 17:00
Event Details
Online discussion with: Ulrike Guérot (Political Scientist, Director European Democracy Lab, Professor for European Policy at Donau University Krems), Günther H. Oettinger (former EU Commissioner, President United Europe), Boris Ruge
Event Details
Online discussion with: Ulrike Guérot (Political Scientist, Director European Democracy Lab, Professor for European Policy at Donau University Krems), Günther H. Oettinger (former EU Commissioner, President United Europe), Boris Ruge (Ambassador and Co-Chairman Munich Security Conference), Filippo Taddei (Associate Professor of International Economics, Johns Hopkins SAIS, Italy)
Moderation: Ali Aslan (TV Presenter and Journalist)
The Corona pandemic is a severe test for European unity and solidarity. “Especially at the beginning of the crisis, national export restrictions on desperately needed medical equipment and unilateral border closures have fragmented the European response to the Corona crisis,” says a joint German-Italian appeal to the governments of all member states and the EU institutions. “These national reflexes harm the reputation of the European project at just the time when European cooperation is most needed.”
After tough negotiations, the European finance ministers agreed on a three-way ESM rescue fund, but against Eurobonds. Italy and Spain are disappointed: loans instead of bonds, with conditions attached instead of unlimited aid.
What is to happen now? Are the political unity of the EU and the European single market at stake? Does a single European market also mean a mutualisation of debt? How can the EU economy and society be rebuilt after the crisis? Can positive impulses for Europe also be drawn from the crisis? Should – similar to Reinhold Würth – more leading representatives from business take part in the discussion?
The recor of the discussion can be found here.
April 24, 2020 15:30 - 17:00