The next 5 years: Expectations to the new EU Commission

201905dec19:3021:00The next 5 years: Expectations to the new EU CommissionPaneldiscussion19:30 - 21:00

Event Details

The new EU Commission around Ursula von der Leyen is facing enormous tasks: Dealing with Great Britain after the Brexit, energy transition and climate change, digitisation, security and foreign policy, fight against the causes of flight, a reasonable migration policy, the eastward enlargement of the EU and completion of the internal market, growing populism, the divisive tendencies of individual member states and much more.
But the EU also has many strengths: it is the densest global free trade network and the strongest economic zone in the world with a great potential of well-educated and creative people. Unemployment figures have dropped across the EU in recent years, and the EU is one of the safest and strongest democratic zones in the world, with enormous opportunities for the future. Does Europe need to act more forcefully and “learn the language of power”, as Ursula von der Leyen addressed in a speech recently? How can the EU use their power more purposefully and represent European interests more strongly? How should the EU proceed in the coming years? And what do business and the population expect from the new EU Commission?

These questions and expectations will be discussed by:
Elmar Brok (CDU-federal board, Union of European Federalists)
Dr. Jürgen Großmann (Treasurer United Europe)
Steffen Kampeter (CEO Confederation of German Employers‘ Associations, BDA)
Dr. Wolfgang Schüssel (President United Europe)
Marina Tcharnetsky (CEO CEBCON Technologies GmbH, Vice President Club europäischer Unternehmerinnen e.V.)
Dr. Marie-Theres Thiell (CEO innogy Hungary)
Moderator: Gordon Repinski (Deputy Editor-in-Chief, RND Netzwerk)


December 5, 2019 19:30 - 21:00


Würth Haus Berlin

Inselstraße 16, 14129 Berlin

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