Politisches Forum Ruhr (Political Forum Ruhr): Which Europe do we get, which Europe do we want?

201930apr19:3021:30Politisches Forum Ruhr (Political Forum Ruhr): Which Europe do we get, which Europe do we want?19:30 - 21:30

Event Details

European political symposium on the topic “Which Europe do we get, which Europe do we want?” in the Philharmonie Essen. United Europe is a cooperation partner of the event.

Host of the event is the Political Forum Ruhr and its chairman, Dr. Stephan Holthoff-Pförtner.
After a short impulse, a panel discussion will follow:
Annalena Baerbock, Federal Chairman Bündis 90 / The Greens
Dr. Katarina Barley, SPD’s top candidate for the European elections
Elmar Brok, Chairman of the European Democracy Fund and Member of the Board of the CDU Germany and the EVP
Philippe Oddo, Managing Partner and Chairman of the Board of the private bank ODDO BHF
The symposium will be moderated by Andreas Tyrock, Editor-in-Chief of the WAZ.


April 30, 2019 19:30 - 21:30


Philharmonie Essen

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