Governing the Internet and Opening the Data: What is Europe's digital future?

202026jun17:0019:00Governing the Internet and Opening the Data: What is Europe's digital future?Young Professional Seminar, PART I17:00 - 19:00

Event Details

Access to information and Internet freedom are more important than ever in times of lockdown and the post-pandemic world.
We see a rapid transformation in the way people work as millions switch to remote jobs and digital teams. Coronavirus makes people rely on Internet more as they use it to connect with their colleagues, monitor news, order food, and even voice their citizen dissatisfaction. We have had online rallies and political meetings, and we see how citizens emerge and gather digitally to discuss the government’s handling of the crisis.
With an open Internet and more government data online, it is relatively easy to access information and monitor public spending. Yet, what happens when the digital freedoms are taken away from the citizens? Who governs the Internet in the first place, and who is responsible for opening up government data for citizens to check?
Please find more information here.


June 26, 2020 17:00 - 19:00



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