Advocacy Seminar: "A new narrative for Europe"
202130jul09:0016:00Advocacy Seminar: "A new narrative for Europe"09:00 - 16:00
Event Details
On 30th July, 2021 we are inviting 12 young talents from all professions and all over Europe between 25 and 35 years to our Advocacy Seminar “A new narrative for
Event Details
On 30th July, 2021 we are inviting 12 young talents from all professions and all over Europe between 25 and 35 years to our Advocacy Seminar “A new narrative for Europe”. The seminar will encompass a workshop with political campaign strategist Julius Van De Laar, a former Obama campaign manager, and renowned Russian artist Ekaterina Muromtseva. After the workshop the participants will get an exclusive viewing of the Diversity United blockbuster exhibition.
If you are interested in participating or if you know young talents feel free to apply or to forward this application call: Applications must include a brief cover letter indicating interest and motivation (1 page, including the question, what you expect from this seminar), together with a CV (incl. a photo and the date of birth, max. 2 pages). All documents must be submitted electronically in PDF format in English language and should not exceed 2 GB. We can only consider complete applications.
Please send your application in one document until 10th July, 2021 to
We will inform the applicants about our decision on 15th July, 2021.
We are looking forward to an exciting workshop!
July 30, 2021 09:00 - 16:00